How Does Blue Light Affect Sleep?

According to a pool by National Sleep foundation, around 90% of American’s report using an electronic device in their bedroom within an hour of falling asleep. All modern electronic devices emit blue light.

Our awakeness and sleepiness are regulated by biological clocks; circadian rhythms and process S. Light is the pacemaker for circadian rhythm. These rhythms are aligned with sunrise (light exposure) and sunset. And most of the blue light we get is from the sun.

Exposure of blue light in the late evenings lead to:

  1. Circadian rhythm disorders by misaligning the rhythms with light exposure
  2. Suppresses the body’s release of melatonin

This leads to negative impacts on the body. Mainly insomnia and feeling of jet lag. Research shows it may contribute to the causation of heart diseases, weight gain, cancer and diabetes.

Image Credits: Photo by Maurício Mascaro