I can’t get used to wearing my CPAP mask

A common problem faced by many who start using CPAP initially is, unable to get used to wearing a CPAP mask. It can be an overwhelming ordeal for some as well, especially if one has anxiety issues or claustrophobia. Depending on the type of mask, pressure on the CPAP machine, different challenges can be faced by different people. Here are some things that can help make it easy to get used to wearing a mask.

  1. Find the mask that you may feel comfortable in. If you have claustrophobia, a less invasive mask such as nasal pillows or nasal mask might help.
  2. Make sure the mask is not leaking, if so, call your physician or reach out to your vendor to find the right mask size.
  3. Wear the mask during the day when doing light activities such as watching TV or reading a book. Doing this will help you get accustomed to having something on your face while sleeping.
  4. You may also perform relaxation techniques while keeping the mask on, to reduce anxiety.
  5. Next, connect the mask to the machine and turn it on while watching TV or reading a book. This will help getting used to the mask with the air blowing on you, as well as get accustomed to the noise of the machine.
  6. Work with your physician to get used to wearing a mask, if all the above fails.
  7. There are different treatment options available, such as mandibular advancement device, excite OSA, positional devices, inspire device etc to help with obstructive sleep apnea other than CPAP. If all attempts fail to use CPAP, consider alternative treatments

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels